We are an award-winning independent publishing company specializing in music instruction for the concertina along with other titles of historical and general interest.
Our books are available worldwide through Amazon and from specialist retailers and museum shops in the United States, England, Ireland, Switzerland, and Australia.
We have hundreds of 5-star reviews on Amazon worldwide!
Learn to play chords and full harmonies and accompaniments on the 30-button C/G Anglo Concertina. Includes 60 tunes with easy-to-learn tablature, many transcribed from professional recordings.
108 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
72 QR code links to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-0615747-35-4
Release Date: March 2013
The perfect beginner’s book for 10-button, 20-button, and 30-button C/G Anglo Concertina. Includes 35 tunes with explanatory notes and easy-to-learn tablature.
82 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
26 QR code links to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1507753-27-9
Release Date: March 2015
50 all-time favorite Christmas songs and carols arranged with harmonies for 30-button C/G Anglo Concertina, with easy-to-learn tablature and QR code links to YouTube videos of every tune.
112 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
51 QR code links to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-0615909-66-0
Release Date: November 2013
For all ye who be wantin’ to play concertina like a real pirate, over 70 sea shanties, hornpipes, jigs and songs of the sea with full lyrics, music notation, chords, and easy-to-learn tablature for the 30-button C/G Anglo concertina.
148 pages, paperback, 8½ x 8½
32 QR code links to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-0-9970748-8-8
Release Date: June 2018
88 more traditional sea shanties and songs of the sea, with full lyrics, music notation, chords, and easy-to-learn tablature for the 30-button C/G Anglo concertina. The arrangements are slightly more difficult than in Pirate Songs for Concertina.
175 pages, paperback, 8½ x 8½
24 QR code links to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-7326121-2-9
Release Date: May 2019
96 traditional sea shanties and sea songs from Pirate Songs for Concertina and Sailor Songs for Concertina, arranged for 20-button C/G Anglo. With full lyrics, music notation, chords, and easy-to-learn Anglo concertina tablature.
188 pages, paperback, 8½ x 8½
40 QR code links to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-7326121-8-1
Release Date: May 2020
Learn how to play the 30-button Anglo concertina from master concertina player Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne. Includes different keys, modes, ornamentations, and a variety of styles of accompaniment in the harmonic style.
72 tunes and exercises with a simple easy-to-use tablature system along with standard musical notation, plus specially recorded videos.
145 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
75 QR code inks to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1953208-04-0
Release Date: September 2022
More than 40 tunes popular in the 16th to 18th centuries, arranged by Adrian Brown and presented with full chords and accompaniments.
Includes Anglo tablature for both Jeffries and Wheatstone / Lachenal systems for 30-button C/G Anglo concertina, plus QR code links to videos for every tune.
155 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
45 QR code links to video
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-7326121-0-5
Release Date: October 2018
60 songs and tunes from the time of the American Civil War, for 20-button C/G Anglo Concertina, many with full harmonies and with complete lyrics.
All have easy-to-learn Anglo concertina tablature and QR code links to YouTube videos.
120 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
61 QR code links to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1499128-05-5
Release Date: May 2014
Over 70 tunes from England’s premier Anglo concertina player, with music notation and tablature for 30-button C/G Anglo concertina, includes QR code links to audio and video.
144 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
74 QR code links to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-952208-02-6
Release Date: October 2021
50 tunes from one of England’s most famous Morris Dance musicians and Anglo concertina players, with music notation and easy-to-learn tablature for 30-button C/G Anglo concertina. Includes QR code links to audio and video.
98 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
73 QR code links to audio and video
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-99-6
Release Date: July 2020
Phil Ham has been playing the Anglo concertina for over 75 years, and he is the most influential early innovator playing in the harmonic style.
Includes over 60 of Phil’s tunes and songs transcribed for 30-button C/G Anglo concertina. With music notation and easy-to-learn tablature, plus QR code links to historical recordings of every tune.
119 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
61 QR code links to audio
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1953208-08-8
Release Date: November 2022
One the leading proponents of harmonic-style Anglo concertina for the past 60 years, Alan Day has also composed close to a hundred tunes in the traditional style.
116 pages, paperback, 8.5 x 11, B/W
82 QR code links to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-18-7
Release Date: March 2024
65 tunes especially arranged for the Anglo concertina, collected and curated from 16 historical tutors written between 1837 and 1889 for the 20-button German concertina and the Anglo-German concertina.
Includes scans of the original music plus updated notation and easy-to-learn tablature.
53 of the 65 tunes can be played on a 20-button Anglo concertina.
149 pages, paperback, 8.5 x 11, B/W
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-17-0
Release Date: January 2024
Patriotic marches, light classics, and ragtime tunes arranged by Alan Lochhead. 13 tunes with music notation and tablature for 30-button C/G Anglo concertina. Difficult arrangements! Previously released by Mel Bay Publications as the All-American Concertina Album, but now reformatted with the same Anglo tablature used in Rollston Press concertina books.
76 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
13 QR code links to audio
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-7326121-9-8
Release Date: July 2020
Written specifically for the 30-button C/G Anglo concertina by renowned Irish concertina player and builder Frank Edgley in 2001, this 3rd edition replaces the previous CD’s with 48 QR code audio files.
It will teach you keyboard patterns and techniques, plus embellishments and ornaments to give Irish traditional music that characteristic lilt.
105 pages, paperback, 8.5 x 11, B/W
48 QR code links
Not available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-16-3
Release Date: December 2023
Popular Irish reels, jigs, hornpipes, polkas, slip jigs and airs for 30-button C/G Anglo Concertina. Includes 75 tunes with easy-to-learn tablature.
38 of the tunes can be played on a 20-button Anglo concertina.
114 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1511930-35-2
Release Date: July 2015
The long-awaited follow-up to the popular 75 Irish Session Tunes for Anglo Concertina (Rollston Press, 2015), specifically notated for the 30-button C/G Anglo Concertina.
Included are 75 more traditional Irish session tunes in standard musical notation with easy-to-understand tablature.
36 of the tunes can be played on a 20-button Anglo concertina.
109 pages, paperback, 8.5 x 11, B/W
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-0-9970748-7-1
Release Date: February 2024
75 mostly traditional songs of the old American West with full lyrics, music notation, chords, harmonies, and easy-to-learn tablature for 30-button C/G Anglo concertina. Includes QR code links to videos of every tune.
176 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
78 QR code links to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-7326121-1-2
Release Date: October 2018
Barbara Steinger from Akkordeonschule Aarau has carefully selected and arranged 86 traditional folksongs from Switzerland and Germany to be played on the 30-button C/G Anglo concertina.
With full lyrics, music notation, chords, and easy-to-learn Anglo concertina tablature.
193 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
86 QR code links to videos
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-11-8
Release Date: March 2023
A first-ever comprehensive tutor for the rare and unusual duet concertina known as the Jeffries Duet. Includes special tablature and arrangements of over 80 tunes in a wide variety of musical styles from super simple to ridiculously difficult, plus QR code links to audio and video.
198 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
79 QR code links to audio and video
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-7326121-7-4
Release Date: February 2020
Schottishes, polkas, quadrilles, waltzes, mazurkas, and varsoviannas, and the concertina players past and present who play for old-time house dances, with QR code links to 176 audio files.
291 pages, paperback, 8 x 10
176 QR code links to audio
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-02-3
Release Date: February 2022
This book by Dan Worrall examines the history of North Clare concertina player Chris Droney and his family, as well as his distinctive way of playing the concertina.
It also includes a detailed tutorial with audio files for learners, and detailed, accurate transcriptions of over 130 of his tunes.
260 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
17 QR code links to audio
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-07-1
Release Date: April 2023
After being out-of-print for many years, Reg Hall's wonderfully detailed biography of Sussex village musician and concertina player, Scan Tester, is now available in paperback and Kindle.
Originally published in 1990.
148 pages, paperback, 8.27 x 11.69, B/W
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-22-4
Release Date: July 2024
50 popular church hymns and gospel songs arranged for the C/G Anglo concertina.
Includes lyrics, music notation, and tablature, plus QR code links to videos.
113 pages, paperback, 8.5 x 11, B/W
31 QR code links to videos
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-23-1
Release Date: October 2024
An in-depth biography of influential concertina player William Kimber along with a history of the village of Headington Quarry.
Includes an analysis and tutorial of his unique playing style, plus transcriptions of all of his recorded tunes.
339 pages, paperback, 8.5 x 11, B/W
Also available in Kindle
99 QR code links to audio
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-21-7
Release Date: November 2024
65 of the most popular traditional English session tunes, with tablature for the C/G Anglo concertina so you can join local music sessions and play the tunes in the standard keys of G and D.
Also includes over 100 QR code links to videos of traditional musicians who you can play along with, from solo fiddlers to full sessions to loud folkrock.
93 pages, paperback, 8.5 x 11, B/W
126 QR code links to videos
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-24-8
Release Date: November 2024
11 lessons for the 30-button C/G Anglo concertina by Bertram Levy, first published in 1985 and reissued with QR code links to the original audio files. Uses Bertram's own unique button numbering system.
73 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
74 QR code links to audio
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 78-1-953208-00-2
Release Date: January 2021
A history of Honolulu’s Chinatown including every building, old and new, researched from primary sources: newspapers, photographs, land records, maps, contemporary written accounts.
Includes historical photographs, period newspaper advertisements, and brief bios of builders and architects.
2022 Preservation Award from Historic Hawaii Foundation.
458 pages, paperback, 8 x 10
Also available in Kindle
10 QR code links
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-01-0
Release Date: April 2022
A comprehensive development history of over 200 buildings built in Honolulu over the last two centuries, listed by street address, along with biographies of over 50 architects and builders.
Researched from daily newspapers, photographs, land records, maps, and contemporary written accounts.
Includes hundreds of rare historical photographs, period newspaper articles and advertisements.
615 pages, paperback, 8 x 10
Also in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-06-4
Release Date: April 2023
A guide for researching Chinese names, locating ancestral villages, finding surname societies, and learning about Chinese settlements in Hawaii. Includes translations of many Chinese characters.
Originally published by the Hawaii Chinese History Center in 1988, this is a facsimile reprint of the Proceedings of the 1985 Genealogy Conference in Hawaii, edited by Kum Pui Lai and Violet Lau Lai.
132 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
Not in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-98-9
Release Date: March 2023
An annotated reprint of Gorham D. Gilman's "Streets of Honolulu in the Early Forties", being a street by street tour as remembered by Gilman 50 years later.
With added photographs, sketches by Paul Emmert, plus additional historical writings by Gilman and a brief biography.
Also includes Reminiscences of John Cook, Kamaaina and Forty-niner as an Appendix.
108 pages, paperback, 6 x 9, B/W
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-12-5
Release Date: June 2023
Paul Emmert was the pre-eminent theatrical and architectural artist in Honolulu in the mid-1850’s. His “Views of Honolulu” consisting of 6 lithographed panels with panoramas and nearly 100 individual buildings was published in 1854.
Complete panels and individual sketches are presented here in full period color along with descriptive notes plus a map of their locations.
138 pages, paperback, 6 x 9, full color
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-10-1
Release Date: June 2023
The true story of Kazuo Sakamaki, Japanese midget submarine officer in World War II, told in his own words as translated by Toru Matsumoto.
First published in 1949, this new edition adds annotations, historical photographs, plus additional information on the larger Pearl Harbor submarine attack and the extraordinary journey of Sakamaki's sub across the US mainland.
153 pages, paperback, 5¼ x 8
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-0-9970748-40
Release Date: June 2017
Explore Honolulu’s exciting and historic Chinatown on your own with this handy pocket guide featuring 45 historical buildings & sites.
Includes rare historical photographs along with an easy walking tour that can be started at any point along the route.
Excerpted from Honolulu Chinatown: 200 Years of Red Lanterns & Red Lights, (Rollston Press 2022).
108 pages, paperback, 4 x 8
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-09-5
Release Date: January 2023
This self-guided walking tour will take you through 200 years of the development history of Honolulu's downtown business district between Iolani Palace and Chinatown.
75 buildings and sites are included along with many rare historical photographs.
This easy walking tour is about 1¼ miles and can be started at any point along the route.
163 pages, paperback, 4 x 8, B/W
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-14-9
Release Date; July 2023
A 1-mile walking tour through the history and public art of Honolulu’s Civic Center,
Capitol District, Downtown, and Chinatown – including the only Royal Palace in the United States of America.
146 pages, paperback, 4 x 8, B/W
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-953208-19-4
Release Date: March 2024
For folksingers, pirates, and sailors - a collection of 130 traditional songs of
the sea with lyrics and music, sized to fit in a pocket, backpack or sea bag.
Now includes "The Wellerman"!
233 pages, paperback, 4 x 8
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-0-9970748-3-3
Release Date: March 2017
For those who be wantin’ to warble and bellow like real pirates, over 70 sea shanties and songs of the sea with full lyrics, music notation and chords.
144 pages, paperback, 8½ x 8½
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-7326121-3-6
Release Date: June 2019
Also available with Anglo concertina tablature, see Pirate Songs for Concertina
Almost 90 mostly traditional sea shanties, whaling songs, and songs of the sea with full lyrics, music notation and chords.
Now includes "The Wellerman"!
171 pages, paperback, 8½ x 8½
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-7326121-4-3
Release Date: June 2019
Also available with Anglo concertina tablature, see Sailor Songs for Concertina
Dramatically improve architectural and engineering proposals and presentations with this insightful look into how selection committees operate and what they are really looking for.
216 pages, paperback, 6 x 9
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-0-9970748-0-2
Release Date: January 2016
A delightful little book of poems and songs by David Leggett from the beautiful seaside village of Cadgwith in Cornwall, England.
36 pages, paperback, 6 x 9
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-7326121-6-7
Release Date: November 2019
75 mostly traditional and favorite songs of the old American West with full lyrics, music notation, and guitar chords. As featured on many of the Gillette Brothers recordings.
172 pages, paperback, 8½ x 11
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-1-7326121-5-0
Release Date: January 2020
A memoir in verse by Ozark/Ouachita poet and musician Gerry Sloan, with photographs by Rick Squires. Contains 112 insightful poems that chronicle growing up and living in this unique rural environment.
158 pages, paperback, 5½ x 8½
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-0-9970748-5-7
Release Date: May 2017
Recollections of a young college student working summers at Grand Lake Lodge in Colorado as Bell Captain and Bellhop, written by Ted Coover when he was 96 years old. Includes dozens of rare photographs.
46 pages, paperback, 5½ x 8½
Also available in Kindle
ISBN-13: 978-0-9970748-2-6
Release Date: January 2017
John Kirkpatrick steps aside from his better-known activities on the English folk scene to reveal a set of 16 carols and songs specially arranged for harmony singing, and a taste of what goes on in his Castle Carols project in South Shropshire.
Original JK compositions, old tunes with new words, new tunes to old words.
110 pages, paperback, A4
Also available in Kindle
17 QR code links to audio
ISBN-13: 978-953208-25-5
Release Date: December 2024
The notes and button numbers with pitches shown in abc notation.
Notes on the right side of the instrument are shown above the staff. Notes on the left side of the instrument are shown below the staff.
The overhead line shows when to pull.
Dashed lines show notes to be held longer than one beat.
The Button Map shows the notes you need to play.
from Civil War Concertina
from A Garden of Dainty Delights, played by Adrian Brown
from Pirate Songs for Concertina
from Sailor Songs for Concertina
from Christmas Concertina
from The Anglo Concertina Playing of John Watcham
from Cowboy Concertina
from Anglo Concertina in the Harmonic Style
from Easy Anglo 1-2-3, learned from the playing of Yuka Nakafuji
Founded in 2013, Rollston Press is the world's leading publisher of instruction books for the Anglo concertina, with well over twenty titles in print to date. They range from beginner to expert, teach a wide variety of musical styles, utilize the easiest notation and tablature system, include audio and video links, plus specialized books showcasing the instrument's foremost players.
We've also published the first and only comprehensive tutor for the incredibly rare and unusual Jeffries Duet concertina.
Rollston Press was the first music publisher to enhance the printed page with smartphone-scannable QR codes linking to audio and video. And to date we've included well over fifteen hundred QR codes.
Rollston Press also publishes books about historical events and places, and re-issues important, rare, and out-of-print books on a variety of subjects.
Our history of Honolulu's Chinatown buildings won a prestigious Preservation Award from the Historic Hawaii Foundation.
1717 Ala Wai Blvd, Suite 1703, Honolulu, HI 96815, USA
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